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Yuzu Kosho Dipping Sauce with rice, scallops and vegetables on plate.

Yuzu Kosho Dipping Sauce and Marinade Recipe

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  • Author: Kara Taylor- Home Cooks Guide
  • Prep Time: 2 minutes
  • Total Time: 2 minutes
  • Yield: 1 cup 1x
  • Category: sauce
  • Method: mix
  • Cuisine: Japanese
  • Diet: Gluten Free


This deliciously spicy, all-purpose Japanese dipping sauce and marinade complements grilled meat, seafood and vegetables and takes only 2 minutes to put together!  



2 Tablespoons Red Yuzu Kosho

2 Tablespoons Soy Sauce

2 Tablespoon Sesame Oil

4 Tablespoons Olive Oil

2 Garlic Cloves, grated with a microplane


Place all ingredients in a mason jar with a lid and give it a good shake.  Alternatively, whisk the ingredients together in a mixing bowl.

This marinade keeps indefinitely in the refrigerator. Use it as a marinade or dipping sauce for vegetables, seafood, beef, lamb, venison, poultry or pork.


You can substitute the red yuzu kosho for another fermented chili paste and add a squeeze of lime juice for a similar effect.  The result would be a little different but still delicious.